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A: The club soccer season runs from August to June.
A: You can pay your fees using a Credit Card (by PayPal even without an account) or by sending a check.
A: Besides fall and spring outdoor seasons, many younger teams elect to play in at least one indoor session. This is usually decided upon by the parents during the outdoor fall season and paid for directly to the indoor facility/league.
A: Players may tryout for teams during the year by training with team.
A: Most teams practice three times a week with one of those dates usually being a ball skills training session and the other more of a traditional team practice.
Practices start in early August for most teams but can start a little later depending upon a particular team’s league and tournament choices.
A: Please contact to the coach at
A: Eagles teams participate in the Chicagoland Indoor Soccer, League games are played Romeoville or McCook. All leagues play most of their games on Saturdays or Sundays but there will be an occasional game scheduled on weeknights.
A: Eagles teams participate in the N.I.S.L, Northern Illinois Soccer League, Home League games are played In Hickory Hills. All leagues play most of their games on Saturdays or Sundays but there will be an occasional game scheduled on weeknights.
A: Most teams participate in at least one outdoor tournament in the fall and one in the spring. Most tournaments are local but teams may also choose to play in out-of-town tournaments in locations such as Chicago, Champaign, Edwardsville, Indianapolis, Wisconsin Dells and other Midwest cities. The out-of-pocket costs for travel and hotels are in addition to any player fees collected.